Podcast Episodes

Ep.276: Dr. Becky Campbell

Dr. Becky Campbell is a functional medicine doctor who specializes in helping patients with thyroid disorders, autoimmune disorders, and heavy metal toxicity. After going through the ringer with her own health issues as a young adult, including thyroid issues, plus candida, parasites, and high cortisol, she switched her med school focus to functional medicine and now helps people all over the country recognize symptoms and get treatment when other doctors may have dismissed them. In this episode we answer a ton of listener questions, including talking about traditional vs. functional lab values, warning signs for thyroid issues, and how to advocate for yourself and your health even when other doctors may be telling you nothing is wrong.

PDF mentioned in the show

Check out her website at Dr. Becky Campbell

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Additional production work and theme song by David Dalton http://daviddalton.com/


  • Amanda

    I had the same situation now and I have taken the dutch test too. My doc in Boulder has been able to find out that my hormones are out of sync. It was so great to hear her on this episode. I have GF, DF and eat clean, crossfit 5 days a week and was wondering how this can happen to me. But it just did!

  • Trisha Monroe

    I’ve read a lot about Dr. Becky and know that she holds the answers to my 20 year long battle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Unfortunately she doesn’t accept insurance except for labs. I’m devastated.

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